Command and Conquer Level Level Name: Mission: Impossible Created By: Szeming Lau ( Release Date: 3rd February, 1996 Completion Time: A looooooong time Map information: Large (62x61), winter theatre. Used Covert Operations map by Adrian Hon with a few changes. Player: GDI Difficulty: Might take several tries to survive the first 20 seconds, yeah, a little on the tough side, but rewarding Filename: IMPOSSBL.ZIP File contents: SCG15EB.INI,SCG15EV.BIN,MISSION.INI,SAVEGAME.089,READTHIS.TXT, DINOGRAP.EXE,DINOGRAP.TXT Hardware used: Pentium 100Mhz Software used: CCMAP 2.1, programmed by Richard Heesbeen and Jeroen Ritmeijer Tested on Command and Conquer v1.18p (English version), with DINOGRAP by Andrew Griffin (more about that later) for dinosaur graphics. Level replacement ----------------- This file is meant to replace the last GDI 'B' mission. It does work when used with other missions, but has been designed specifically for this mission. Mission Description ------------------- Kane and his Temple of Nod have been located. However, he has surrounded his base with allies. He has also taken some top secret nuclear material from GDI. Your mission: Recover the stolen shipment held in the technology center and destroy all enemy bases. Beware of the booby traps around the area. Kane has planted many after finding out about your prescence in this area. There are also rumours of dinosaurs and visceroids in this area has been confirmed. All GDI funding has gone into this endeavor. NOTE: Capture the technology center; do not destroy it. NOTE: I'm not responsible for smashed PCs resulting from sheer frustration that the player will feel at the end when he/she doesn't read the note above. Level Description ----------------- Kane has fled to his Temple of Nod on a remote island and surrounded himself with his allies. He has ordered them to guard his base. He has also somehow convinced the civilians that we are the enemy. The task at hand is of utmost importance. Your task is to destroy all the enemy bases. The civilian buildings may also hold valuables, but beware: Kane has booby trapped some of them. All of GDI funding has gone into this mission. The money has been (conspicuously) dropped in wooden crates. Some steel crates are also there. Some may bring reinforcements and stuff, but others, well, Kane has gotten to them too... You start with an MCV, because the rest of the units are being shipped overseas. They will arrive in due time... Oh, and, by the way, Kane has stolen some very important nuclear material from us. It is held in his technology centre beside the Temple. You are to capture this building, not destroy it. Yes, there are dinosaurs and visceroids throughout the level (read note in "Other Information" section) and by sheer coincidence, they come in right beside your base. Sooo let's recap... Destroy every structure, but capture the technology centre. If you succeed, look forward to a big promotion ($$$$). If you fail... Level Hints (READ THIS!) ------------------------ -First, collect a few crates of money, then build your base QUICK! Build a power plant, and barracks. When done, build your troops, but keep on building barracks until you have two or more (for fast troop production). Watch out for the SSM launchers! Build your base while you fight. -The steel crates give either something really good, or something really bad, or nothing. -Kane isn't the only one with allies! You start with several allies guarding your base (Hint: don't destroy them - they are there for a reason). -Yes, there are a lot of booby traps. -However, there are also a few gags (watch for contents of the helicopter near the end of the level). -Civilians attacking your base? This might seem like a big joke, but they seriously distract your defences and keep you from placing buildings. Other than that, yes, they are a joke. -If you lose your Construction Facility, don't despair. There is a backup in one of the steel crates (not the one with the nuke in it!) However, if this is already your backup MCV that's been nuked, PANIC! Usage ----- For those who don't want to bother messing around editing files, a savegame has been supplied that was taken the instant the level started. Simply copy this file (SAVEGAME.089) into your Command and Conquer directory (rename it if you don't want to lose one of your savegames). Then simply load that file when you start. You will not be able to restart the mission if you do this, you will have to re-load it if you need to try again. If you choose this method, you can ignore the next part. However, to get the full extent of the stuff (a video clip that probably hasn't been seen before, Untamed Land music) at the beginning, you can copy the rest of the files to the directory (MISSION.INI, SCG15EB.INI, SCG15EB.BIN are the vital ones). To run it, load a previously saved mission in the 15B level of GDI or the saved game included. Then abort, and restart the mission. If you put the file mission.ini into your Command and Conquer directory, you will not be able to access the mission text for other missions until it is removed. To edit/view the level using CCMAP, you simply have to rename SCG15EB.BIN to SCG15EB.MAP. To get dinosaur graphics in the game, you will need the DINOGRAP program from Andrew Griffin included here. Just type DINOGRAP -on to enable them (NOTE: changes the GAME.DAT file). Of course this is purely optional, but then without them, you will only see the death scenes. Therefore, the author takes no responsibility in structures suddenly exploding, troops firing at nothing and then suddenly dying..... Other Information ----------------- One thing you should not ask: -I can't explain the appearance of dinosaurs in a final war between good and evil in the 21st century. They're there, that's that. -Ditto for the 25 Dr. Moebiuses at the end (damn - that was supposed to be a surprise gag). If you see clumps of trees in strange places, some of them are used to hide SAM sites, turrets and even obelisks. Others are there to hide defects in the map that I couldn't correct :). Yes, this level is pretty hard. In fact, if you pass it, please tell me. I haven't passed it before (not because I can't; because I spend so my time restarting it to check the slightest change that I get sick and tired of it, really! ;) ) Have fun! Szeming Lau ( Toronto, Ontario, Canada